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Construction of the Springfield Flood Relief Scheme at Clonlara has commenced

3 August 2021

Clare County Council is delighted to confirm that work has commenced on the construction of the Springfield Flood Relief Scheme at Clonlara.  

Delegates at the start of the construction of the Springfield Flood Relief Scheme

Mr. Patrick O’Donovan TD, Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works, made the announcement last week and visited the site last Friday, 30th July, to view the works and be briefed by the construction team. Clare County Council together with our partners OPW and Byrne Looby and Partners have worked hard over the last number of years to bring the scheme to this stage.


Carmel Kirby, Director of Services advised ‘The scheme will provide protection for 18 properties in the area, and involves the construction of a flood protection embankment, land raising, penstock / sluice, pump station and associated works at the townlands of Springfield, Cappavilla North, Cottage and Illaunyregan, Clonlara, Co Clare. A Natura Impact Statement together with plans and particulars relating to the application was submitted to An Bord Pleanala, with planning permission being granted in November 2020 under Part 10 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001. The works will be carried out directly by the Office of Public Works staff and are expected to be substantially complete in 2022.’


The Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Cllr P J Ryan “welcomed the announcement of funding for the scheme by the Minister and thanked the OPW for their continued commitment to provision of flood relief schemes and coastal protection infrastructure in County Clare”. Chief Executive of Clare County Council Mr Pat Dowling said “Clare County Council is delighted for the residents of Springfield who have suffered for so long from flooding to their homes and property and would like to thank them for their continued help and assistance throughout this process.”




Steve Lahiffe, Acting Senior Executive Engineer, Clare County Council; Minister Patrick O'Donovan TD: Carmel Kirby,  Director of Service Clare County Council, PJ Ryan, Cathaoirleach Clare County Council, Cllr Michael Begley, Clare County Council. (back) Cllr Pat McMahon, Clare County Council; Cllr John Crowe, Clare County Council  and Pat Dowling , Chief Executive, Clare county Council visiting flood relief scheme at Springfield, Clonlara. Photograph by Eamon Ward

Page last reviewed: 03/08/21

Content managed by: Rural and Community

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